Bruno HÉNON - Automation & Control Engineer Freelance Services in factory automation, designing, programming, installing and subcontracting worldwide

Designing, programming and installing automated systems.

Services provider

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  Factory automation > Self-employed control engineer > Services  

  Automation engineer freelance

Factory automation experience  


Design, Implementation, Installation, Deal, Mobility, Industrial areas in practise, Methods of execution, Typical interventions.

Designing, Analysing, Programming, Starting Up, Technical Writing

As a control and automation engineer freelance, Bruno's activity consists to provide services in industrial automation and control : design, documentation, programming, tests, installation, setup, startup and adjustments.

Usually, the purpose of his interventions is to provide for various needs :

The objects of his interventions are the programmable automated systems used in the industry :

About the methods, Bruno is a follower of Barry BOEHM ( professor of software engineering at the Southern California University, United States ) :

Whatever the engineering domain taken in consideration, and whatever the size of a project, it is absolutely fundamental to respect the following basic methodology :

Or in a more concise way, we simply could say : « write it, do it, check it ».

You can also read a short resume of Bruno's activity as a self-employed automation and control engineer since 1999.

Realization And Implementation
Installation And Startup
Sectors Of Activity
Methods Of Execution
Typical Interventions

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