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Computer vision, image and colour processing.

Artificial vision

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Image processing concepts, Colorimetry, Standards.

Technologies Used To Control The Products And Their Manufacture

The goal of the computer vision is to extract informations from digital images. In this way it is a part of the instrumentation. The complex technologies used by machine vision are evolving continuously and become more and more affordable, and consequently relatively popular.

The images computing operated by these machines is used to measure and to analyse objects or actions with the objective to control them, providing the results to robots, programmable logic controllers ( PLC ) or any other type of controllers. The capabilities of the processors are increasing continuously, and the users express the need to use color processing, especially for sight control and look control of the final products and their packing.

The important amount of solutions available on the market of industrial machine vision has led some providers to standardize the exchanges of data between the vision systems and their environment. As the constraints imposed by some application in term of volume of informations to exchange and in term of response time, they have inclined manufacturers to propose some solutions to adapt networking to vision process.

Image Processing

Machine vision basics, Fundamentals in image processing, Vision Systems Laboratory, Machine Vision, Computer Vision Group.

Basics In Digital Images Manipulations

This complete and very useful course - downloadable in « pdf » - carries on the fundamental knowledge about image processing and machine vision which needs to be mastered before designing an application. This document can be considered as a reference for these matters.

National Instruments -

Fundamental Knowledge In Digital Image Processing

This teaching of almost 120 pages precisely describes the basic concepts and the fundamental knowledge to get in order to master digital processing of images as well. All the explanations are associated with many illustrations and with all their mathematical equations.

Shortly, to get a good overview about the content, the better is still to quickly read this document from the beginning down to the bibliography.

Ian T. Young, Jan J. Gerbrands, Lucas J. van Vliet

( Delft university )

Smart Process For Industrial Machine Vision Systems

Vision Systems Laboratory

Dublin City University -

Algorithms And Resources

Pr. Bruce G. Batchelor

Computer Vision Resources Directory

The « computer vision group » focuses on digital images acquisition and manipulation, particularly from a research and development point of view. It lists many resources on these subjects.

The Computer Vision Group

Carnegie Mellon University

Colour Measuring And Colour Processing

Webexhibits, Colour technology.

Why Are There Colours ? And Other Resources

This amazing website looks like an interactive museum joining science, technique and art.

This exhibit is a public service of the Institute for Dynamic Educational Advancement.

Colour Technology

Charles Poynton [ Archives ]

Vision Systems Standards

Genicam, EMVA 1288.

GENICAM - Generic Programming Interface For Cameras

« The goal of GenICam is to provide a generic programming interface for all kinds of cameras. No matter what interface technology ( GigE Vision, Camera Link, 1394 DCAM ) they are using or what features they are implementing, the application programming interface ( API ) should be always the same. »

EMVA 1288 - A Method To Specify Digital Images Acquisition

« EMVA has launched an initiative to define a unified method to measure, compute and present specification parameters for cameras and image sensors used for machine vision applications. Application of this standard will be at the benefit of the customers of vision components component manufacturers.

It will avoid misunderstanding and reduce pre and post support cycles. The chosen parameter definitions are based on physical properties and units. The standard comprises the mathematical model behind the parameters, the measurement setup and the matching of the measurement data to the model as well as the data presentation. »

EMVA - The European Machine Vision Association

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